
Referenced link: https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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Jun 13Liked by Britt Gillette

Hi Britt, God's blessings for you and your family. I have a story to tell about the vaccine. I'm 77 now, I was working in a nursing home in the Covid time. They were telling us, if you don't take the vaccine you will lose your job. Well at that time, I wasn't listening to any pastors or Watchmen. I was a saved, and new Jesus Christ as my Savior. I keep holding off, taking it, I had Covid twice, during that time. WELL, I had to keep my job, I was the only support of me and my son. I finally took the shot. WELL, that evening after work, I ran a very high fever, then I went into seizures. My legs jumped off the bed, until I rolled myself up tightly in a blanket. I was sick for 2 days. I didn't go to the hospital, cause I didn't want to take any more medication. When I went back to work, I found out, one of my coworkers, that took the shot the same time I did, the same thing happened to him. Since then, I have had cancer surgery. I became so sick, had to retire. Then my son passed away with Covid. I feel like I'm to blame. I probably bought it home from work. Since 2021, My live has changed forever, but it has brought me closer to the Lord Jesus. I just had to tell you my story.

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Thanks for sharing your story, Deloris. I'm sorry that happened to you. No one should be put in such a position of choosing between unemployment and an experimental medical treatment in what's supposed to be a free society. As Nelson said, don't blame yourself for your son's death. Only God knows what the true cause was. I'm glad to know that through all of this, you were brought closer to the Lord!

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Jun 13Liked by Britt Gillette

Deloris I thank the Lord that you have come to salvation in Jesus Christ in your latter years of life . Praise the Lord. I remember you telling us about your son, please don’t blame yourself. Eternity is not far off , as we watch the day approaching. Shalom Sister in Christ. ❤️

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Jun 13Liked by Britt Gillette

What a great brotherly love (public service ) message this is! Thank you Britt...side note I watched Tom H and John H last night with Dr. Gil-White, gas-lighting seems to ALL around us. Thankfully we have Truth, The Word, The Holy Spirit, The remnant Church, to keep each other grounded.🙏 Thank you for encouraging us to open our eyes and speak out🙏

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Thanks, Jennifer!

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Jun 13Liked by Britt Gillette

Thanks Britt

Important topic and YT would have banned your video.

Gaslighting, I haven’t finished the video,but Hope you tell people to disconnect from MSN & most news organizations. Reuters is another garbage news outlet. I Watch OAN with Allison Steinberg she is a Christian.

Yes OAN covered these athletes deaths or near death incidents. Countless people have died because of the Jab , sad very sad , Demonic agenda of depopulation.

We keep looking up for our redemption draws Near.


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Yes, sad to say YouTube most certainly would have taken down the video. Glad to hear OAN has been shining a light on these incidents. Maranatha!

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Jun 13Liked by Britt Gillette

I worked in that Nursing home for 34 years. I was told, NEVER to say anything about what happened to me. My coworker was told the same.

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Jun 13Liked by Britt Gillette

Thank you for this video, Britt. I’ll keep it in case I need it for someone. When I went to my cardiologist after an auto accident, I told him I’m not vaccinated and to please not ask me to get one because I would never get one. He smiled and told me all of the same things I knew about, that you just shared in this video. Then he told me he was glad I haven’t and won’t take one. That came from a cardiologist!

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Glad to hear that, Denise. You have a great cardiologist. I wouldn't go any other cardiologist as long as he's working! We continue to encounter doctors that try to convince us to get it. Early on, I attributed it to the doctor's being so busy they were reliant on medical associations to provide them with the data. But we long ago passed the point where it became negligent, if not criminal, to continue to recommend these shots...

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Amen! It became such a criminal act to keep pushing these shots, knowing the consequences to so many people!

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Wouldn't dream of taking that sh(!)t. And I tell every doctors office I go to that I don't want to be nagged about it. My husband is sorry he took it.

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Jun 13Liked by Britt Gillette

I have been seeing plenty of reports of athletes having heart attacks and other cardio issues. Didn’t put the energy drink as culprit as a manufactured idea to misdirect until this video.

I always think of Naked Gun — “please disperse, nothing to see here”. 😂. It perfectly describes what mainstream media pushes on us!

I don’t see man’s justice on the perpetrators of these lies, but God’s justice will prevail. They will ultimately be held accountable. Until then, we will continue to be the salt and light, and looking up, awaiting our savior. Great video, you always explain these issues in the most understandable ways. Thank you for what you do Britt!

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Thanks, Melissa! I love that scene from the Naked Gun - one of my favorite movies! Unfortunately, you're probably right about these people escaping justice here on earth, but as you say - God will hold them accountable.

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Jun 14Liked by Britt Gillette

Thanks Britt for laying it all out there. We had a cousin about 38 yrs old a former basketball athlete in best of health who actually fell flat on the floor with cardiac arrest. Too late after resuscitation to prevent brain damage she laid in a corner in a convelesant home for a year before death. The doctor told the mother your daughter died of a broken heart after loosing her dad some 3 years past. We could not believe this it was so much like gaslighting. The mother loved the romantic idea of the daughter loving her dad so much that she would not listen to reason. The daughter had numerous Covid vaccine shots. Two kids snd a husband are beside themselves in grief.

So please keep spilling the truth so maybe someone can benefit from these reports. God bless.

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Thanks for sharing that, Dottie. Unfortunately, we've seen firsthand a number of stories just like this one. I think one of the reasons it's not yet common knowledge is because it's nearly impossible to point these things out in public regarding a friend or family member unless their parent or spouse has already made the connection and is outraged over what happened. Otherwise, if you suggest it was the shot, it can come across as political or "conspiratorial" and be interpreted as a lack of sympathy, potentially alienating a person from friends and family. So out of respect for the victim's family, the overwhelming majority of people aren't going to make their suspicions publicly known. And this just enables the lies to continue...

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Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. It is just a very sad scenario to have a loving family suspicious of being unkind. The two families politically have been wide apart now this seals the deal that we’re wacko’s.

Keep up your very edifying and important reporting. A link to sanity Our family (all Christians) listen to you mon wed and Fridays! What a fan club you have !!! Thank you and your wife.

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Thanks for sharing that, Dottie. There are way too many such stories like that one. I think most of us know at least 1 person who died directly from the shot.

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I’m a 60 y/o RN who reluctantly took the first two vaccines…i relied on doctors, not on Jesus. I’ve since fully turned my life over to Him. I left my job the day before #3 was mandated.

I have developed several autoimmune diseases, but count myself blessed and am ready for the Rapture. The one rheumatologist who said it was likely vaccine-related, said she would not be able to document that in my medical record because the health system threatened the medical staff with termination.

She “retired” a year later, and every other doctor that I have encountered since has looked bewildered when I tell them the cause. None can believe that the tiny little shots could have damaged my body.


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So sorry to hear you have been vaccine injured Tracy. I am happy to hear you are fully committed to your relationship with Jesus Christ.

We are all ready for the Rapture 🙏

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Britt, unfortunately the info you shared didn’t come as a surprise to me 🙁

I’ve been watching and following a Rumble channel called “The Highwire with Del Bigtree”, where he and his team have been investigating and bringing to light many of these findings. He always presents very important information. I was confronted with a lot of new information that forced me to change my mind about things I thought I knew and understood.

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