
Hi Britt , yes I am one of those in the target 🎯 zone. Ended up being flooded out of our house, and we didn’t live in a Flood plain.

It’s a ruff go still no power. Prayers appreciated.

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Praying for all those who had lost, because of this hurricane. 🙏

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Thank you for all your concise information, Britt! Just today, my husband and I talked to a friend who said, “Lots of banks are in trouble…but not the big banks in New York.” Oops! You certainly cleared that up for me!

God Bless you and your family as we all await His return.

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I just want to thank you again. Enjoy your way of presenting bad news, but you give us hope, and you tell us not to be afraid. You give us hope in our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏

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Hi Britt and family, God's blessings for you. I wonder what happened to your Friday video. I live on the West coast of Florida, but I live 10 miles from the beach. So, I didn't get the flooding, but electricity went on and off.

This was a terrible hurricane, it did so much damage, not just in Florida but other states.

This financial crisis is coming. Do you think, it will happen before the election? I think something is going to happen 🤔. I pray everyday and night, looking for our Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 ❤️. Thank you Britt and family.

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