This is a great reminder to be alert. Your story reminded me of something similar that happened to me a while back. I used to run every day, 5–7 miles. It was an important part of my day because it relieved a lot of stress from a demanding job, and it motivated me. Then I got into a bad car accident. A driver ran a red light and hit me head-on. We were both traveling at 40–50 mph. Needless to say, my days of running were over. As my back began to heal, I was looking for some way to remain physically active. A friend invited me to a yoga class. I thought I could handle that. After going for a few months, I started noticing all the crystal bowls in the lobby. I asked the receptionist about them, and she said that they just help you concentrate when you are doing certain poses. But I felt uncomfortable, like maybe they were intended for something else. So I went home and Googled 'namaste,' which is a greeting often used by people who practice yoga. In Hindu, it means 'I bow to the divine in you.' That really freaked me out. I never went back to yoga and felt like an idiot for not looking into it more before starting. Since then, I’ve taken up swimming. It seems like we always have to be on the lookout. Just because something doesn’t look overtly evil, we have to make sure we aren’t being fooled—or that the evil aspect isn’t being minimized.

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Thank you both for sharing your experience. Here in California we live in the high desert about 20-25 miles from town. Anyway, I spent my Friday and Saturday watching the conference “Tip of the Spear “ thought it was great and blessed that I did because after it was over I was reading an article about this Governor of California,signing this bill allowing children being groomed. That they can have these hormone drugs and having their body parts cut out, cut off, without having their parents notified. Although I do not have any babies or children in the school system I cannot stop crying and being angry over this bill.

I know God is in control and He can turn evil to good at this time I see absolutely nothing good coming from these horrible people called groomers nor the so called doctors performing these horrible surgeries.

Thank you again for your message. May our Lord bless you and yours.👏🏻💙👏🏻🕊️👏🏻🕊️

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God's blessings for you and your family, We are living in the last days. The devil is roaming around seeing whom he may devour. Theses last days, We all pray 🙏 and look for Jesus Christ, His coming is near, even at the door. Just keep looking up.

I know how you felt, I have faced evil many times in my life. You did the right thing Jenny. The Holy Spirit gives us discernment.

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Thank you for sharing this incident. Important message for parents and young people to be careful. Some things seem innocent at first. The Holy Spirit protected you. I commend your daughter for her discernment and I would encourage her to say something should anything similar arise again. Sometimes one person will pick up on that darkness before everyone else. Just to encourage her to follow that still small voice. You all were light there. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not understand it.

It's a pity certain elements had to be included that brought darkness into what could have been a great family event. That's how some people are lured into evil. Something seems harmless at first. I'm so glad you protect your children and also teach them about reality. May God bless you and your family and continue to watch over you.

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May God Bless you Both! You will raise the best kids on the block, not easy, tho . Easier with God guiding. Pleased to see you Jenny. :)

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I watched this yesterday and everything broke loose in my home before I could comment. You two are amazing parents, and yes, these things happen to all of us at some point, no matter how much research we do in advance. They were sneaky about this pure evil 👿. The demonic forces are working overtime in this dark, fallen world. He’s attacking marriages as well. Jenny, I’ve shared that my husband has Alzheimer’s, but last night things got so bad that in a fit of rage, he packed up and left. (A man with Alzheimer’s). I’d appreciate prayer on this. I had scripture to share last night, but now I’m just trying to encourage you both that these things happen! My love and prayers to you and your family!!

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Denise, we will certainly keep you all in prayer. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Much love~Jenny

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Thank you so much, Jenny.

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Thank you for sharing this with us. We were impressed with your older daughter’s spiritual discernment, and that you, Jenny, heeded and obeyed the voice of the Spirit to leave when you did. You are both doing a great job in raising your children for the Lord, and will be praying for you, and them, in that regard. May the Lord bless and keep you.

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